Digitone Keys - Hyper sensitivity of buttons miss lines

This appears to be a software issue to me, generally software controls the de-bounce for the buttons.
The timing probably needs some tweaking to account for button wear.

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Ok thanks :+1:t3:

For me it was a hardware issue. I sent in my DNK for repair, which solved the issue. Unfortunately some months later the issue is coming back :frowning: It’s not preventing me from working… yet. I also own a DT and AH2, which are totally fine.

Elektron support let me know that this is a HARDWARE soldering issue. It’s not impossible that it can actually be fixed in software, but as I understood it, a bad solder is causing the button press signals to “stutter”, creating extra on/off signals.

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Anybody have really touchy encoders? Mine seem to almost lag a bit in comparison to my other elektrons.

Well, I have very sensitive AMP / FILT / SYN buttons which often end up on Page 2 with only 1 press. Very annoying.

So, I did a Factory Reset, THEN an Empty Reset (which clears current Project from RAM), then re-loaded my saved Project via C6 Midi tool, and I must say the buttons appear to be much more dependable on doing what they should be doing. I’m not 100% saying this has solved it, but my initial impressions seem promising.

Maybe like a PC, the RAM gets fragmented and needed a clean start, and then maybe it starts behaving itself a bit more. That’s a lot of “maybes”!!!

This is on a Digitone Keys, firmware 1.30A.

Don’t forget to save your full current Project if you do this please!!! (To access RESET menu, power on with FUNC key pressed, as shown in the manual)

Has anyone opene up their Digitone Keys and see that it is actually an issue with solder joints?

I seem to be having some buttons that trigger multiple times with my Digitone Keys that I bought used.

If it’s a bad solder joint, I can fix that myself. If the switch is bad, I might be able to buy replacements and fix it myself.

If the switches are unobtanium then I might only be able to get them from Elektron but it feels like a waste sending it away just for them to do something so simple.

I’ve had this several times, gently take off the button and blowing into the switch solved it.

For the Elektronaut with a soldering iron: I resoldered a problematic switch and that seem to have improved it.

I used the continuity tester on my multimeter to test it before and after. It was really “scratchy”. It was still a bit scratchy even compared to a “good” switch but I suppose that software debouncing can deal with it.

At least now the switch settles into a stable closed state which it didn’t do before.

You just need to take out the screws on the front panel and unplug the cables. Also, be careful when you open it up. There shouldn’t be any resistance, if there is, you’re likely pulling on a cable.

Anyone figure out a solution?

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I’ve got it, even with the newest firmware :frowning:

Really annoying when it resets trigs.

Sent mine to Elektron, they said it’s a cold solder on the user controls. Supposedly it’s a quick fix on their part. I would widgets contacting them. Will see if it fixes things