Digitone Keys - Hyper sensitivity of buttons miss lines

Hi , I experienced some kind of weird behavior with my Digitone Keys ,
sometimes the arrow button jump 1 line in the menu ( never the same by the way )
even in patch selection menu , or when I write a name , and not always the same button ( down or right - Left )
but when I’m in test mode everything is working well , looks like a software issue but it could be annoying
have you guys experienced that kind of thing ?

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happens a lot with encoder scrolling too - it’s a bit like leaning on the d key on your keyboardddddddddddddddddddddddddd sometimes it just keeps scrolling

i agree the feel in various menus is not that user friendly - often inexcusably so

of all the things that could be added to these devices the single best one would be to make everything on the UX feel just right - in certain cases it’s an objective truth imho


Thanks a lot for sharing that … it’s exactly what happened
it’s not my unit … just software issues , good to know
is it the same on regular Digitone ? or just the Digi Keys ?

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on lots of devices including Digitone

I have mentioned a few times

it is especially hard if you e.g. scroll within the Midi USB system settings to toggle OB on/off etc

when scrolling with an encoder it will jump about and when pressing it will jump

it is entirely a software manageable thing

I feel it with scrolling arrow keys from time to time, the ‘feel’ isn’t quite right, you can always get around it, but it should feel more reliable than it does imho - it’s the same in some parameters where the acceleration of values is just waaaaaaay too fast - it’s a feel thing, little bits here and there just don’t feel right

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…they’ve been working on the interpolation factors for increasing/decreasing between physical movement translation to actual parameter changing values and ratios a lot…

might ended up too fragile…some user defineable settings for this could be a good fix…

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I’m just here to say that I am also having this problem with a Digitone Keys less than three months old. The up/down keys are especially prone to double/multi-triggering, but it can also happen with the yes/no keys (which is especially annoying because sometimes operations will be “automatically” confirmed, which I didn’t intend). If I press the keys very lightly then this problem can be avoided, but this requires too much care to really make it a usable solution. The Level/Data knob is also especially sensitive on my machine :frowning:

This didn’t seem to happen at all when I first got the machine, and I’m concerned that the issue is suddenly happening.

…I wonder if this started happening more when I upgraded to OS 1.30a. I should try downgrading.

I bought the Digitone Keys one week ago and this happens here too. Buttons are very sensitive and double trigger now and then. I have only used firmware 1.30A so I have no idea if this changed with this version.

I’m having this issue as well. I only noticed after upgrading to 1.30A, but I haven’t tried downgrading to see if it resolves it. I contacted support and they requested that I send a video of the behavior.

I got some news about this thing !
It’s totally machine related
I just have my digitone changed ( after opening many tickets at elektron’s customer support )
And the new one is totally ok , with the last OS too !

So if you guys got this issue you could totally use your rights and make the machine changed !

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interesting, maybe the encoder was not perfect, but otherwise I wonder how it could be different across machines - will enquire on this as I was sure it would be a software side thing, but perhaps not !

Interesting. Some of the buttons on my unit are hyper sensitive. I was thinking it was an OS thing, as i have had other Elektron boxes that have weird encoder sensitivity that had then been fixed in a later update. I might chat to Elektron, as it’s not a dealbreaker but it can be pretty annoying

I have this on my diggitone too (tabletop version)
SYN1 and AMP buttons are too sensitive. I often end up on page 2 when pressing the button once.

Has there been any official mention from Elektron? For a pissible fix with a firmware update perhaps?

It’s a little bit annoying.

Also, the top left encoder sometimes moves by itself. I noticed when on the LFO page: it will start changing a destination on its own.

That’s ghosts… That didn’t count.


Ghosts? Didn’t count?
I’m afraid I’m not following…


Anyway, the best thing to do is to contact support via Elektron.se. I did the same thing for an overly sensitive knob on the AR and it will be fixed in the next OS update. Whoop :raised_hands:

Also, the more evidence/details you can give support (and ultimately the engineers) the better, so I sent them a short video of the behaviour.


I think I will because it’s getting a little bit annoying. The arrow keys are starting to show the same dodgy inconsistent behavior. :roll_eyes:
Sometimes they start nudging notes on their own if I press and hold a step.

Are many digitakt-digitone users having this issue?

I’m starting to have the same issue with my down arrow. It’s driving me syrobonkers.

I have this issue too with the up/down arrows with my DNK. Is this definitively a software or hardware problem? Thought I was going crazy because it’s hard to pin down the problem other than the arrows are just too prone to doubletaps, tripletaps, etc difficult to explain besides saying “it doesn’t feel right”. I haven’t experienced this on any other elektron machine.

Also one of the trig buttons LED’s have gone out in the red color. Waiting to send it in to elektron (under warranty) to see if more issues arise to avoid more shipping costs.

Anyone knows for sure whether this is a software or hardware issue?

Any news on this?