Digitone (keys) limit steps count per page

I’m trying to limit the amount of steps for each page (across all the pages in a pattern).
For example have a track with 2, 12 step pages.

I cannot figure out how to do this (I’m hoping/assuming it is possible).
It seems I can only add other pages by changing the pattern length denominator.
This then forces the last 4 steps of the pattern on page 1 to play (I want them to be skipped).

I could of course just shorten the second page.
Using a pattern length of 24/32 to “emulate” 2 12 step pages.
But this does not of course allow me to copy pages in any way that would make sense.
I have to copy trigs, one by one.

I feel I am missing something here. Ideas?

btw - I am trying to create polymeter patterns in an easy way.
So another track would maybe stay at 16 steps per page or say have only 5.

I don’t think that’s possible.

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you can copy as many trigs at once as you can grab, but you can’t have 2 pages of 12, probably never gonna happen imho

you can chain patterns of length twelve too

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Thx @avantronica I’ll try the multi copy.
I thought about using chains but I think the chains cut across all the tracks, right?
E.g. all 4 tracks would play through to the length of the longest track before changing to a new pattern. So I wouldn’t get a polymeter
It may require another sequencer on the same clock

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yeah - sorry overlooked your last point - chains isn’t the solution for polymeric patterns