Digitone Keys Midi Controller and Maschine + Routing

Hey all,

Sorry if this has been asked before, I’ve been searching for an answer for several days and couldn’t find one.

I’m trying to set up my Digitone Keys to be used as a controller for my Maschine +. I’ve read both manuals and thought I understood, they both claim that it should be as simple as plugging a MIDI cable into the DN’s MIDI out, and into the M+'s MIDI in, setting the Keys into External mode, and selecting the sound I want to control on the Maschine +. It doesn’t work like that at all, in fact it just flat out doesn’t work. I’ve tried every cable I own, both MIDI and USB, adjusting every setting in the External Setup menu that supposedly overrides the MIDI setup menu, and every setting I can think of on the M+. Still nothing, and now I’m so frustrated that I just want to get rid of all my gear and go back to just contemplating music production.

Can anyone with familiarity of both the Digitone Keys and the Maschine + (or hell, I’ll settle for even just general Maschine knowledge) help me out? I’ve never felt so incapable, outsmarted, and frustrated with gear in my life!