Digitone Keys: MIDI Ext SLOT questions

_"SLOT lets you select eight different slots where you can store a separate set of MIDI EXT settings. _

MIDI CH selects the MIDI channel that is used to send the MIDI Controller data."

Let me know if I’m thinking about this right…

I have set SLOT 1 to play Blofeld on MIDI CH 11.
SLOT 2 is set to play Xenophone on MIDI CH 12.
SLOT 3 is set to play MPC Live on MIDI CH 13.

If I am utilizing Digitone Keys’ MIDI T1-4 to program other gear on other channels, how do I quickly switch SLOTS on the fly? Is that even an intended use case?

Is this feature more geared to DAW control?
If so, what are some of your use cases for multiple SLOT configurations?

The only way to change MIDI EXT slot is in the MIDI EXT menu.

You can use the slots however you want. I can imagine it’s most useful if you have a number of frequently-used configurations that you want to store so that you don’t have too set them up every session.

If you just want to flit between controlling a small number of synths all in the same way, and you can remember the channel numbers to which they are set, you might just as well just change the MIDI channel number in the MIDI EXT menu every time.

That’s what I’m saying. Seems like a missed opportunity, no?

A missed opportunity for what?

What are we talking about exactly? Would you mind letting me know how you access this?

Digitone Keys MIDI Ext menu.


See page 69 of the DNK manual.

Thank you Peter. I was convinced DN and DK shared the same manual… Of course they don’t.

I’m a bit disappointed they choose to implement such slots instead of letting people load and save instruments midi conf the way you load and save sounds.
This could have been extended to DN and DT…

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A missed opportunity to switch SLOTs on the fly.

It’d be pretty powerful to have the ability to switch between saved SLOT settings without having to navigate through the MIDI Ext menu and spin the dial.

Via a key combo with the arrows and MIDI Ext button, or MIDI Ext and 1-8 buttons…

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Not sure if firmware revisions have changed this but is there a shortcut to quickly get to the slot menu eg - for quickly changing between external synths

Eg double tap the MIDI EXT button brings up the slot menu

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i wish