Digitone Keys.. On the couch?

Bit of a weird question maybe, but does anyone ever use it this way?

I’d quite like a keyboard for messing around on the couch and for full-sized keys 3 octaves feels about right for that. Synths and controllers with 37 decent quality keys seem fairly thin on the ground (I’m not really grabbed by the Modals) and I’ve never had an Elektron device despite hanging around here - the Digitone has the sound I’ve enjoyed hearing the most, so I’m tempted.

The unconventional shape kind of seems like it might work since there’s not as much weight on you as there would be with the synth above the keyboard… Prop up the end you’re not messing with and it might be alright?

Hard to really get a sense of the heft/bulk of something from specs alone so I’m throwing the question out there!

Will it be… your next date on bed…
Or you might prefer the wild Analog Keys…
Who knows :crazy_face:

Synth in bed + a pastrami sandwich = weird mustard stains which one’s spouse will ask about when one doesn’t expect, like when in line for communion or something…

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Digitone Keys is (1) pretty heavy as synths that size go; not Jupiter 8 big but it’s solid metal casing all around, you’ll feel the weight (2) the keyboard is just long enough to play a full chord with right hand and single-note bass with left but not really long enough (imo) to stretch with both hands at the same time. it’s a great piece of kit, don’t get me wrong, but i wouldn’t put it on the portable side of things in being able to just faff about on the couch with it resting on your lap or thighs, at least comfortably


I’ve got one, and I think it would be a bit bulky/awkward to use on the couch.

But hey, this guy is rocking a Take 5 on the couch, so anything is possible. :grinning:

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Thanks all, sounds like I’ll have to stick with my JD-800 on a bean bag setup then :neutral_face:

I did sort of suspect it’d be a bit much, probably more of a pain to pick up/put down/lean up against stuff/inevitably have handling mishaps with than the actual sitting playing it part. I just really fancy one.

Ideally a module of some sort with a lightweight MIDI controller would probably be best but I’ve tried and failed so many times over the years looking for MIDI controllers that work in that context and aren’t totally terrible. Something like the Hydrasynth Explorer is probably more the thing, except a) mini keys and b) the sound of it does very little for me.

The search continues…