Digitone Keys Sound Bank for Digitone

Nope, my Digitone registered as b-stock (but registered) and I do not have access to the sound packs.

Send support a message.

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I have :slight_smile:

Update: Support got back to me and said they were gonna investigate but attached the sound banks for now so I got them :slight_smile:

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i just registered mine (after needing to fill in my name , address etc in my account settings)
mine is 2nd hand but i don’t know if it was previously registered.
the soundpack appeared in my soundpack area. (i.e i didnt have to wait for any internet stuff to happen)

I’ve had a few 2nd hand elektron products of various ages (monomachine , machinedrum ) , all have registered fine so far.

hi again , small request for the website - could you put machine headings / groups when listing the sound packs ’ my sound packs ’

so i know more easily which pack is for which machine.
currently theyre listed by Sound pack demos or SoundPacks.
or just ignore this… i dont mind , more important things going on in the world.


I was just thinking this earlier!

Hi guys, I’m trying to register myself on elektron.se to download the new soundpack, but when I get the link on my email to confirm registration, the website tells me I can’t register.

how can I go thru this?


My whole vibe is all about a retro science fiction thing. I thought I was already in heaven with the Digitone.

Then I loaded the Digitone Keys sound bank. :sunglasses::heart_eyes::star_struck::fire::fire::fire:

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I’ve just had the exact same issue - Elektron support helped me sort it out, apparently I needed to type the entire string of numbers and letters without a space (mine had 3 characters, then a space, then another bunch of characters)

Worked like a charm! (And thanks Elektron support!)


i got it solved too … tx

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I love Digitone Keys so much. It’s a fantastic tool. Digitone + midi keyboard almoust the same. Many amateurs and professionals do not use the full power of this space and very - very earthy synthesiser. It’s just awesome! Lots of strange and cosmic sounds in the pack, I love that. But almost no one is working on simple and much needed libraries. Modern reality is multi-layered, this is a mix. The sound should not only be interesting, but also welcoming in the mix. I find interesting the open works of Ivar Tryti, Floyd Steinberg, Oscillator Sink. But for working with Digitone Keys/ Digitone with midi k, I really like Elektron Digitone Sound Bank kokow100 and the active use of modulation capabilities, for live performance, for working in a mix. Digitone + keyboard is a new and very deep world. I’m waiting for good packs from official ELEKTRON. I hope I’m not alone. Learn from good examples and create beauty!