Digitone Keys Sound Bank for Digitone


did you guys try the new sound bank that came with the Digitone Keys on your Digitone? From my part, I am really impress by the quality of sounds. I do not want to discrediting the default Digitone sound bank but I’m really inspired with the Digitone Keys sound bank.

What’s your thought?

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Where are you getting the sound bank? I know elektron have said that the Digitone Keys sounds will be available for the regular Digitone, but I haven’t seen the download anywhere. I’m really curious to try it out, as I have a keyboard controller for the digitone and love expressive sounds with all the performance controls mapped.

tldr link me pls :frowning:


Go to your account on Elektron.se
Login and register your digitone.
Then it will be in “my soundpacks


That makes sense. I’ll try them out when I’m home and have the S/N available to complete product registration with. Thanks.

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I just got a news letter today. Follow TheoVoid step and let me know what you think :wink:

When i try to register my DN DT OTii a message tells : product not found… Is there something i’m missing ?

Maybe you entered O instead of 0 ?


Will try that. In the meantime, i wrote a ticket. Christian from elektron will help. Tx

Same happened to me. The o’s are actually zeros.

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@VickorfTron @TheoVoid that was that ! the O of AOS is in fact a " zero " …

These sound great. Who is JH? I tend to gravitate toward his patches.

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Jogging House, I guess.


@calnyc @Hans_Olo
Yep, it’s jogging house. Excited to hear his patches…


Thank you @Elektron for making these patches available to us Digitone users. Very much looking forward to trying these out today.


The folk who bought their tone second hand won’t get these then?

I’m pretty sure as long as you register your Digitone you will.

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What if the previous owner has registered it

You can really tell folks have got to know the engine way better in the time between the release of the DN and the DK… really good shtuff! :+1:

You should ask the previous owner to de-register it. If that is not possible, create a support ticket to ask Elektron for help.


The Jogging House sounds are awesome…I have his other sound set as well and love it. Just loaded the Digitone Keys sounds on my Digitone last night and really like them. If only my Digitakt could send Pitch and Modwheel data to the DN while I’m using it to control the DN with a midi keyboard… :triumph: