Digitone keys stops sending midi

During music making session digitone keys stops sending midi to other synths. This happends usually 30-60 minutes after starting up the digitone. Only way to get it to send midi again is to restart the devices. What can i do to fix it ?!

Haven’t heard this one before.

Can you explain how you have things connected in your setup?
That would help to identify the problem.

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digitone keys midi out-> deepmind 12d midi in… deepmind midi thru-> mc 707 midi in. I use digitone keys to control both deepmind and mc707. It works well but after some time. both devices stop receiving digitones midi messages

Your setup should work fine like that. :confused:

When this occurs, try restarting devices down the chain first.
First, restart the MC707 to rule it out.
Then restart the Deepmind to rule it out.

Did you try Digitone Keys > MC707 without the Deepmind in between?

no i havent. i will test these suggestions thanx !!!