Digitone Keys - width between feet

Thinking of upgrading my Digitone desktop to a Digitone Keys.

Space is tight in my studio so I’m wondering if I can fit one on top of an existing Ikea Billy 80cm wide bookcase? I know the overall width of the DN Keys is 87cm or so, but if the feet are less than 80cm apart then that is absolutely fine. I used to have a Juno 60 on top of it, so overhanging a bit isn’t a problem. :slight_smile:

If someone could measure the distance between the feet on their DN Keys for me, that would be hugely appreciated.

Fortunately I have a tape measure and my DN Keys right in front of me! It’s a bit tougher to measure without unplugging everything and finding somewhere to put it upside down but looks like the width from the outside edges of the feet is about 83cm, inside widt is about 80cms, so you might be out of luck.


Thanks for checking. Sounds like I might have to get creative and build some “wings” to extend the top surface… or plan B, which is swap it over with my Nord Lead A1 (which I know fits on the bookcase).

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…just place some rubber feet or small striped pieces of carpet on the top ends of that billy book shelf and ur ready to go…use ducktape to fix it, if it tends to slip…easy fix…
be aware of the fact, that there’s no space for ur knees, once sitting in front of the keys with bended legs…will end up pretty uncomfortable during working things out…which might slap back into ur results…


Good call on the rubber feet or carpet strips on the bookcase. The Billy is too high for sitting down at really. Perfect height for standing up though… which is how I play most of my Elektrons anyway.

Always have a sheet of 3M rubber feet in the studio for reshuffles and the like. Always useful. They would be ideal for this scenario.

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