Digitone Keys Windows 8.1 Driver Problem

I’m trying to use my DK as an audio interface. I use Reaper as my DAW. There is no selection for DK in the ASIO driver section (or in any other driver section). I checked Windows device manager, and there are two entries for DK, both list this driver:

Windows 12/12/2013 6.3.9600.16490

The second entry has this error:

"This device cannot start. (Code 10)

The I/O device is configured incorrectly or the configuration parameters to the driver are incorrect."

Does anyone else have 2 driver listings?

I tried deleting the drivers, but they pop up again as soon as the DK is connected by USB. I tried updating the drivers and Windows claims they are current.

I’ve been running the DK through my old Echo Audio Audiofire 8, which just died. So I’d like to run the DK directly into my computer via USB, but it’s not happening. I am using Windows 8.1 by the way.

Thanks in advance…

There is an issue with the digitone keys asio driver in every version of windows. Please open a support ticket, so they are continued to be notified of the issue.
Basically there is no selectable asio driver that works for the Keys, and support doesn’t acknowledge that quite a few people are having the same problem. Read this thread about it here:

Thanks for the reply. I did see that thread, but I noticed that one person could see the DK in ASIO driver list in Reaper even though it didn’t work (I have no listing for the DK, but that could be because of my driver error). I assumed your case was the same, but rereading your initial post I guess that isn’t the case. At least you can use Overbridge, whereas I cannot due to Windows 8.1–at least not with a normal install which fails, although I read somewhere that there might be a workaround but I never explored it. I will open a support ticket.

Can you tell me whether you have two drivers listed in the device manager? And if one has an error? Maybe it’s not relevant since you are using Windows 10, but I am curious…

As far as I can tell, there is only a digitone driver in the menu, and no specific digitone keys driver. There are separate analog four and analog keys drivers though, which I find odd. Bring it up to support, and let me know if they respond. There is definitely a problem with the Digitone Keys asio driver(or lack there of).