Digitone Keystep mod wheel

How do you make this work ?

I don’t have my gear to hand, but from memory of using these - In the keystep editor software, you can set the midi channel and cc# for the modwheel. For example, I often have it permanently set to the filter Freq of track 1, but you can pretty much get it do what you want.

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In the digitone, you need mod wheel settings, go in there and tell the mod wheel what to do. Digitone will automaticly recieve mod wheel information from keystep. No need for editors.
That’s how I do it anyway. Up to four parameters controlled by mod wheel! Very cool.


Cool. I was thinking it could be a keystep editor setting. I’ve never been used the keystep editor.
But it can all be done inside the digitone ?
Sweet. I will check this out soon as I get home.


Here’s another question.
Can the digitone record pitch/mod wheel automation from the keystep ?
If so, how ?