Digitone Lulz

While talking with friend about the adlib/OPL2/OPL3 I threw this together. Doesn’t use any advanced digitone features, only 2 OP, no advanced waveforms. The only thing I cheated cause I didn’t feel like manually hand programming it in was echos and just for the derp of it, i used a little reverb on the snare. Everything was done in about 20 minutes or something, idk, and recorded live.

I highly advise no one try to do a solo of any kind that’s even intended to be enjoyable to listen to directly on the digitone. Just don’t. Get a keyboard. I didn’t, so I cannot promise you won’t laugh.


Nice. Definitely that nice FM sound!

This is great - it kind of reminds me of sonic the hedgehog with that really funky bass. Casino level type of stuff. Also I can hear Gloria Estefan singing to this maybe, haha.