Digitone, M4L, Live 10 - MIDI feedback freeze


Relative Digitone amateur here…

I’m having issues when using Digitone as a slave and Live 10 as the master. I’m also using the Digitone M4L device to enable DAW automation of parameters etc (this is vital for my live performance setup).

I am getting freezes on the Digitone, particularly when double-tapping the stop button to kill trails as well as stuck notes. I keep having to power cycle the Digitone which is massively frustrating. To the point where I’m considering returning the unit. Has anyone else had/having these issues? I just want to know what the best way to setup my MIDI I/O in Live and also on the Digitone to prevent this issue?

Thanks in advance, hope I can sort this as I love the way this unit sounds and the sequencer is boss!


Sounds like you have a midi loop that’s circling the stop command? I wouldn’t be quick to return the unit it’s most likely your config of the device/ableton/max…

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Thanks! And yes I think you’re right, just getting really frustrated! I think a good idea might be to post screen shots of how I have my MIDI i/o setup in Live and on Digitone. Will do later when I’m home and hopefully someone may be able to tell me some stupid thing that I’ve likely missed!

This is the M4L device, by the way, in case anyone else has had similar issues etc

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I don’t use Ableton or max, but for now on DN I’d make sure “clock send” is disable and check after that, that might do it. I’d probably also set encoder/trig key/mute destinations all to “int”. If your only wanting to receive midi on DN you could set “output to” to disabled, that’s not really ideal but it would stop a midi loop.

I’m pretty sure there’s some Abe/Max settings involved too.

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I have a similar issue, however I dont use the M4L device. And its not Digitone but Digitakt

I have a track in Ableton and use the Overbridge VST plugin to seperate my channels and then use Ableton to slave all my hardware devices. It works well but after a few times starting my Digitakt from the DAW it freezes and starts repeating my sounds. Its really anoying as it is a superdope track.

Any tips how to prevent a midi loop? I have ableton going in in my drumbrute and this goes into my kenton midi thru and then to digitakt, beatstep pro, tb03 and minitaur. Could it be the USB midi interfering with the normal midi?

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ThAnks @Open_Mike! Will give that a try, was sure I’d done that but it’s easy to miss things

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I think turning off clock send did the trick


Hey gang-

Any resolution here? Having the same issue with Digitone in Abelton 10. Inconsistent loop back freezing on 2 or 3 tracks. Send midi clock is off on Digitone.