Digitone midi and audio tracks in logic

Hello, I have an overbridge issue and I need help.
My setup idea is to play with my novation midi keyboard on logic the 4 tracks of the digitone. So for each of the digitone tracks I will get a logic midi track and an audio track! I followed this tutorial https://youtu.be/EosDRHyf0Ug
But when I try to “split” this meta digitone midi track on logic to get 4 different midi tracks(each routed to an audio track), it seems that the overbridge pluggin doesn’t like it.

Does anyone have this use of the digitone on logic?

olalala if anybody has a clue, it seems simple but it is actually a pain to make it work, it’s been 2 days that I am trying to do so !
I tried to create also 4 external midi tracks + the overbridge track (composed into tracks routed to bus, routed to audio tracks)
And it works but only with midi, when I try to record the sound on the routed audio tracks, any of the 4 tracks receive all the audio.

Ifthere is any template I could use :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help