Digitone MIDI CC/NRPN control? Help?

Have we talked about the CC control implementation in Digitakt already?

It seems very shoddy. There are overlapping values in the MIDI implementation chart, and for instance Ratio B has something like three steps, and that’s the range :smiley: a value of 0 sent via CC is 0 in Digitakt, and 3 is 127.

I’m really hoping this will be improved… :X :X

Okay, so as it turns out, some values (Ratio B) use some kind of MSB/LSB CC’s, or NRPN’s.

I tried sending it both using a Cirklon, but can’t really get it to work… Could anyone help me? Any success, anyone else?

I wonder why they even use it. I think Ratio B doesn’t even have that level of fine-grained control to need 1024 steps – why bother?

Remember that the “Ratio B” parameter is a combination of two values, ratio B1 and ratio B2, which are combined on the DN’s front panel to reduce the number of encoders required for the synthesis pages. Ratio B1 has only three possible values in order to make it easier to make patches harmonic.

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I don’t have a Digitone but I believe that there is an issue with Cirklon in that it only sends one byte (MSB?) of NRPN data from its Aux rows. The best way to use it would be to send two separate CCs from its Aux rows in order to control the DN.

If you still have problems, let’s take one specific instance and go through it Step-by-step together.

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Not sure if this helps, but when sending cc’s from my DAW for stepped parameters, the midi needs to be scaled down to the number of steps - ie if there are 5 options these are accessed from cc values 0-4 or 1-5. Anything cc value above this selects the last value.

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i would like to bring up this topic again. has anyone managed to successfully control controllers like ratio b and harmonics via CC?

i own a faderfox pc12. the potis send max 7bit standard cc messages. how could i set this up so that with one poti all values become controllable? i don’t quite understand the connection of cc lsb and msb yet.

While the Faderfox PC12 seems not to be capable of sending NRPN messages, its manual does state that it is capable of sending two CCs as MSB and LSB from its single encoder. See command type “CCAh” (button 3) on page 9 of the PC12 manual and command number (button 6) on page 10.

So you can set up the encoder to control Ratio B on the Digitone by setting it to send command type “CCAh” and command number 16 on the appropriate MIDI channel. If the command type is “CCAh” and you set the command number to be 16 then the PC12 automatically configures the encoder to send both CCs 16 and 48.

If you want to use the PC12’s pots for a parameter like Ratio B then you will have to use two pots, one for each of the two halves (MSB and LSB) of the message.

A single CC message can only take 128 values. In order to get more resolution (a greater range of values) for a synthesis parameter like Ratio B then Elektron assigned two CC messages (16 and 48).

MSB means “Most Significant Byte” and is the coarse value of the parameter; LSB is “Least Significant Byte” and is for fine adjustments of the parameter. Think of it like a two-digit decimal number (for example, 45) where the 4 is the number of tens and the 5 is the number of ones - the tens are more significant than the ones.