Digitone & Midi Keyboard

Well I’d like to control more external midi gear in the future but right now I only have the Matriarch.

general midi settings like sync settings will be set from the menu and should stay the same, then within a project your settings per bank - per pattern, need to be set to reflect the module (in this case matriarch) so bank a pattern 1 will control it, then pattern 2 for example won’t until you set it to do so. you were on H, go to H pattern 2 and mimic the settings from pattern 1 if you want to carry over the sound to pattern 2

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If you’re always using the same midi setup for all patterns, create a basic pattern with the correct midi settings and copy it to all patterns in the project. Then you won’t have to worry about it again.

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If I may add a very silly question…
What is the key combo to copy a full pattern, including the MIDI settings?
(And not just notes or whatever, nor copy track by track)

FUNC+REC to copy when you are not in record mode. This copies all pattern settings including midi settings.
Then FUNC+STOP to paste.

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Awesome thanks everyone for their responses.