Digitone Midi not sending

Hi to whoever is reading this,

I was browsing the forum for an answer to my problems connecting my monosynth (MAM MB33) to my Digitone for external sequencing.
All the settings on my Digitone are set to send and the channels match as well. I have activated Midi track 1 by assigning it to the same channel set as my monosynth. (Syn1 page)
Cable wise everything is connected as it should be ( Midi Out Digitone - In Mono / Audio Out to Input R since only one Out put and lacking the cable)

on the Digitone:

  • sync settings all in send
  • port config settings Midi+Usb where possible otherwise Midi, CC on, Output to Midi, Encoder/ Trig/Mute all set to int+ext, receive notes/CC off

My main problem is that with this setup my Monosynth is not receiving any midi signals. However when used with a midi controler on the same channel it works as intended.
Maybe you can feel my desperation reading this, as I am really dependant on the availability of the 4 Midi channels.
Any help or comments are greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance


Did you maybe mute the midi track?

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Yes it was muted, now the Midi Light flashes up! There is no audio coming through though, any advice ?

There’s a page where you set the incoming audio level. Press func + lfo to access master page and then turn up whichever input it’s connected to and adjust pan to center for a mono source.


Thank you so much Digitone experts!