Digitone - midi out - live ok / sequencer NOK

hi !

i am trying to play my TD3 via DIGITONE.

  • live play works
  • sequencer NOT

what i do:
i use midi track 1 and set it up to midi channel 5.

when i play with my keys i hear sound from TD3 and i see midi commands in MIDI monitor app on mac.

but when i activate a sequencer it doesn’t send any NOTE ON commands to TD3.

any ideas ?

if i sequence audio track 1, does it also sends MIDI notes ? cause i don’t see them in my midi monitor.

Have you inadvertently muted the Digitone’s MIDI track?


tracks were not muted !

the issue was that i didn’t activate “CHANNEL 5” in MIDI TRACK1 - “SYN1”. (FUNCTION + ENCODER)
i have to say that it’s not logical cause the “keyboard 1-16 steps” would send notes,
but sequencer needs explicit configuration to send to this channel.

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