Digitone MIDI over USB, not able to record/play from sequencer

I connected my digitone (v1.30a) to the PC using USB MIDI.
I can see it from the DAW and I correctly receive the notes when I play them on the Digitone.

But when I record a sequence/pattern the notes in the sequence aren’t send to the DAW.

I see the “steps” in the pattern, but when I play/replay it no data is sent to the USB MIDI ?!?

What are the exact steps to follow to record a pattern for a MIDI external gear?
Are there other settings that must be turned on in order to enable MIDI recording for external gears?

I’m not sure what you are trying to do. Do you want to record the notes from the Digitone to your DAW or do you want to record the notes from your DAW into the Digitone sequencer? Also, what DAW?

Welcome to the forum!

Have you accidentally muted the MIDI sequencer track on the Digitone?


Thank you !!!
That was the (silly) issue, I didn’t realized that the MIDI / synth tracks can be muted/unmuted independently.

By the way, do you know if Overbridge+MIDI mode is available in Windows 10? ( standalone overbridge is ok, standalone MIDI is ok, but when I activate both they don’t work).

Thank you again