Digitone midi to Particle 2

Hi guys,

I would like to send midi from my DN to my Red Panda Particle 2, to change presets, etc. The issue is that I am already using my TRS input in my Particle for an expression pedal.

Do you know if it’s possible to send midi from the DN usb to the Particle 2 usb input? Or any other workaround.

By the way, I have also a Disaster Area Midi Baby 3 in my pedalboard, but is already sending midi to the OT.

Thanks in advance

If you’re not already using your DN Midi Out port, you could get a Midi->USB Adapter for the Particle 2 (hopefully with the correct USB plug). Plus a Midi Thru box. Lots of cheap options around. If you can find it cheap (10-15€) I’d go with an old Emagic MT4, which can be used as a standalone USB-powered 2in/4out merge/split box. I’ve got two of them, they seem to be indestructible.
A more expensive, USB-only way could be an iConnectivity mioXM. This would allow you to connect both DN and Particle via USB. You cannot use Overbridge with the DN this way, though.

Thanks @senor-bling,

so, what I need is a midi host between the two devices, isnt’? The only issue is that i would like to put this device in my pedalboard, and i don’t have too much space. Do you know if there is a “mini” option there?


Indeed, and now that I think about it… the first part of my suggestion is probably nonsense.
I think Retrokits RK006 should work as well. It won’t get any smaller :slight_smile: Haven’t tried it personally though.

This it’s super small!! But I only see midi connections. Do you think I can send Midi to the Particle usb input?

The Particle v2 supports MIDI TRS through the CTRL jack as well:

  • Additional parameters via MIDI (USB or TRS)

You would need a MIDI to TRS adapter though I don’t know if it would be A or B standard.

EDIT: If you want to use USB MIDI and need a host, you can make one from a Raspberry Pi:


Thanks @d4ydream,

the problem is that I am already using TRS for an expression pedal… and I really want to keep it. So, I guess the only solution is going through USB

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Ahh. :slight_smile: See my post again. I just added a link to a Rasperberry Pi USB Host. It’s super reliable and requires nothing more than just flashing the image in that link. No programming required. You could use an rPi and get a nice metal chassis for it. Just strap it to your pedal board.

Nice suggestion. It could be! I would like to have the smallest possible device.

Picture for reference:

Thanks! Not bad…

Do you know if Disaster Area MIDI Baby 3 can act as host?

The RK006 definitely has a USB Port. Check out the website. It offers loads of possibilities.

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Hi again guys. Maybe some of you could help me with this. I still cannot make the Particle respond to the Digitone signal. I am using a Disaster Area Midi Baby 3 as host, and using a mini USB as connection to the Particle, using an Y cable, which is working, because I tested the midi signal with my Mac. It’s sending midi from Digitone to USB without any problem. But when I connect the usb to the Particle 2, the pedal doesn’t react to any action. There is something more I should configure in my Digitone apart from setting the same midi channel?

Thanks a lot

Hit ‘FUNC+MIDI’ and go to ‘PORT CONFIG’. Make sure ‘OUTPUT TO’ is set to, at the very least, ‘USB’. Usually you would set that to ‘MIDI+USB’.

Try that.

Thanks, I will check. Anyway, I am not sending midi with USB to the MIDI BABY 3, but with a MIDI cable.

Ahh, I see :slight_smile: Still, check that setting and make sure ‘OUTPUT TO’ is set to at least ‘MIDI’.

On the Digitone’s MIDI tracks, do you have the output channel set? Not in the global MIDI setup menu but on the MIDI track itself? On the first page I believe (my DN is not on my workspace at the moment). Are the MIDI tracks muted perhaps?

Actually, I only set the channel in the track, in the first page, I did nothing in the global setup.

not muted tracks…