Digitone Midi

Sorry for absolute noob question - is it possible to set the digitakt as the midi input for the digitone, but ALSO have a midi keyboard IN for the Digitone, so the notes play via a midi keyboard, but the tracks sync with the digitakt?

Yes you can, by the use of the mighty “through” Midi port !

Edit : to be clearer : KB OUT -> IN DT ; DT THROUGH -> DN IN.
Then dont forget to manage the midi channel of your tracks if you dont want to trigger both DT and DN tracks at the same time.

To be confirmed but if my memories are clear that how I had proceed for my Keystep-DT-DN setup.

If you go DT Midi Out to DN Midi IN you might have to use the MIDI tracks to achieve that. In order to play the DN you go Midi Keyboard OUT into DT IN. Then you select a MIDI channel and activate it.

You might have to look into the MIDI Channels in preferences what the autochannel is set to. And if MIDI is going in and out via the MIDI ports.

And I think that PW/MW/AT are filtered if you use the MIDI tracks. Can of course be plocked.

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Amazing thank you both for the tips! :slight_smile:

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Uh. That’s new to me, are those data plockable? I thought those where useless unless played live

You cannot record the “real” controllers live movements, but on the MIDI tracks you have encoders to plock PB/AT/MW/BC… sorry if it was confusing :slight_smile:

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