Digitone Mod-Mixer Pager


My Digitakt has on “Master” page2/2 a track mixer for each yeah, track.
How cool is that!

The Digitone has this too!
If you buy a retrokit rk002 and program it with this code:

#include <RK002.h>

RK002_DECLARE_INFO("SAMPLE CODE","duy@retrokits.com","1.0","7b47d3dd-991a-4197-ac02-d340cdabfb59")

boolean RK002_onControlChange(byte channel, byte nr, byte value)
  if (channel == 15)
      case 111:
        RK002_sendControlChange(0, 1, value);

      case 112:
        RK002_sendControlChange(1, 1, value);

      case 113:
        RK002_sendControlChange(2, 1, value);

      case 114:
        RK002_sendControlChange(3, 1, value);

      case 115:
        RK002_sendControlChange(0, 95, value);

      case 116:
        RK002_sendControlChange(1, 95, value);

      case 117:
        RK002_sendControlChange(2, 95, value);

      case 118:
        RK002_sendControlChange(3, 95, value);

        return true;
    return false;
  } else {
    return true;

void setup()

void loop()

You need:

  • Retrokit rk002 cable…
  • not windows os, use linux or perhaps osx?, windows just won’t work! Took some time to get it… A rasperry with linux should fit for this task and is propably chaper than that cable…
  • a din in and out (i used a steinberg ur242 for this. Perhaps there is a usb dongle with din midi
  • arduino ide (install from tar, and not that old version from package manager!)
  • RK-002 MIDI Processing? Just DUY it! - Retrokits

You can use it as loopback cable, or as I do from digitakt -> digitone. I sequence my tone from takt, so this is very convenient for me.

It gives me this:

On the sender: put midi channel 16, on the Digitone: let channels to 1-4…
On the sender midi filter page gives: upper row modulation wheel 1-4, lower row track volume 1-4!


Before you hit play you need to twiggle each of the 8 knobs once, because the Elektron do not send initial cc values. Trigless plock with first play only, hint, hint!
The Digitone can not reflect in it’s ui the track volume if set via remote cc. So this is no good indicator whats happening. But it is happening.
My coding skill is very bad. Its not elegant, but hey, it works.
Feel free to make a better one.

Perhaps someone needs this. If not, you just read a lot of text and have seen two pics of a dusty Digitakt.


This looks interesting, but why would you need the RK002 for exactly? Can’t you use use midi loopback?

On other controllers like the faderfox ones, or whatever you can programm each knob sends to different channels.

But on Digitakt or Digitone you need to switch the miditracks if you want to send to different channels.
So if you want to alter modulation of different tracks you would need to change track.
With this here not. You can stay at one page and do it for all tracks.

If you want to use one channel to send to multiple channels you need to rewrite midi cc messages.
The rk002 cable is perfect for this kind of stuff.

Basicall it works this way:

channel 16, midi cc 111 will be rewritten as channel 1, midi cc 1 (modulation)
channel 16, midi cc 112 will be rewritten as channel 2, midi cc 1 (modulation)
So you can use channel 16 on the sender to send to channel 1 to 4.

Of course you can use this rk002 as loopback cable. so you can use a midi track on digitone to make it’s own mixer (with modulation… because why not use all 8 knobs on one page).

With this method here you can use ONE page to alter the volume and modulation wheel of all tracks on digitone at once.

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Ahhh that’s makes sense. Clever :slight_smile: