Digitone - modulate trig velocity?

Hey. Is there a way how to achieve some randomness for specific trig or whole sequence on the Digitone? What’s the best way to get different velocity for trigs/steps?

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Hi @mncrime. Unfortunately this is not possible with the current firmware. I agree with you this would open up the sonic variation possibilities enormously. Even as random trig length would. Please send this as a feature request to feature-request@elektron.se.

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While velocity is not a destination for the lfo, try volume instead, for example. A random lfo with small depth for each trig should do the trick

Also have a look at chance parameters for the whole track…


Hey. Yeah. I was playing with it after a while. Designing sort of a deep ambient/drone like atmosphere on it. Blend between what is possible in the engine. I am using my lfo’s already for modulating some destinations. I was delving and found the vel mod section I believe where are 4 meta controls. The way I understand it it should interact with velocity and at certain velocity changes it could produce different movements in the patch. It would really open it up even more. I am not saying the engine is lacking. What I have made so far on it was simply otherworld.

One possible work around… maybe… I can copy the seq/trig to more step loops and manually adjust track volume = velocity? Would that work with meta modulations?

Thanks I will try these out. I already use all my lfos in the patch sadly. :frowning:

We need third lfo and vel. mod path. :see_no_evil::grin:.

Ok cool. you could also try midi loopback and send velocity changes from a midi track to a synth track (via midi cable)


You think manual adjust of volume per track, per step would do the trick also? In the current engine I think track volume = velocity, no?

Midi loopback is the way to go, because you can then setup velocity, as well as mod wheel and pitch bend to all effect different parameters and then sequence them with midi tracks.

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Unfortunately modulating volume will not affect your velocity mods. Don’t know via midi loopback it will be possible to random your velocity (with the lfo)… I will have to look into that. Would be really useful if Elektron adds a humanisation feature (random velocity and random trig length) in the future.

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Yes. I agree. Or they could add something like a midi fx page with stuff in the vein of Ableton Live… the velocity midi fx is exactly what I am trying to replicate in Digi with the meta controls vel. mod. The combo between these two would elevate certain movements in patch etc…

Midi FX page could also have random, swing etc…

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