Digitone + MPC 2500

Hey guys, picking up an MPC 2500 soon and wanted to know how the workflow would be if i combined it with a digitone. Im new to hardware so im assuming I’d be able to sample sounds from the DN into the MPC? I would be using the sequencer on the MPC. I’ve thought about DN + DT because the sample manipulations are insane but i feel the MPC is more a powerful song maker. Any tips and tricks about the MPC + digitone would be appreciated!
Also i would be mainly making boom bap on the MPC and thought i could get some synth and bass sounds from the digitone as well as using the digitone as a standalone to learn fm synthesis and have fun making songs with the sequencer.

…congrats…with a mpc and any elektron device u got the two best hardware sequencer concepts in front of u…

mpc is like a tape recorder…press rec and play…4 count in and there u go…finger drumming style…

takt has the stepsequencer grid…which is a little different approach…as u might found out already…

best in this combo, i’d recomand to make the mpc the master…

audio outs of the takt into the inputs of the mpc…monitoring on…

and there u go…takt runs along whenever mpc runs…and u can sample the takt anytime u want…
but u don’t have to…u can also just let them run along…

takt can now be used in many ways, cause it does’nt have to provide beat essentials all the time…
so it can also be a nice synth for example…

get it started and come back with detail questions once u start to be into it…

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In general I would first sequence the Digitone from the MPC while you use the MPC for drums, etc. You can of course sample the Digitone but I would think that would be more for cases where you want particular effects of pitching the samples, etc.

Hello !
I am about to do it as well.
Didi you do it? How was it?
Thank you