Digitone Multimode Filter

Hi could someone accurately tell me the different modes for the digitone filter as I wont lie it was a bit of a shock to find I only have high pass and low pass on the digitakt (which considering the amount of different sound sources going through this thing its a complete piss take). I hate the fact that elektron wont cross over features to protect its core products, who cares about feature crossover !!! Im constantly wondering if I should invest in Elektron gear if they are going down the route of leaving stuff out for marketing purposes forcing you to want the mk2 or mk3’s starting to look like apple.


Did you check the manual?

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I think it has Hp/Lp2/Lp4 as the first filter and a second BassWidth filter that is both a low shelf and high shelf filter.
DT really needs that second filter asap as it lets you scoop out some of the bass but still have a Lp filter on a lfo or whatever


I was actually going to pick up another DT tomorrow and in my GAS haze I had forgotten how damn frustrating the lack of a notch or bp filter was… hmm

I don’t think the lack of a utility filter that the DT really needs is an aimless rant… it makes no sense that they didn’t add it.
I really hope they don’t neglect it in the next few updates


It’s not moaning. It’s people telling Elektron what they can do to sell more.

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Thank you for this… I did a word search in the manual and I couldn’t find the specifics.

Page 44 of the manual. It has an index that refers to this page under the word “filter.”

Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea to buy something you’re already angry at.


I’d happily pay a modest amount for upgrades. That would give them a decent income stream beyond release.

Bug fixes don’t count!

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apologies I only found the quick guide pdf online, thanks for taking the time to check.

Its a shame a company cannot survive by designing a solid product. having to hold stuff back to make sure there is something left to sell next year is what i think is contributing to a waste full world… I dont blame elektron for this i blame the system of modern economics - but my point still stands if they make mk1s conceptually amazing but dont fullfill them till mk3 … I wont buy mk1 or mk2 and just wait till its 100% probably mk3.

I own the a4 mk1 and in my opinion it does everything its concept promoted… I would upgrade to the mk2 for the lighted buttons alone (selling my a4 mk1)

I dont want a rytm mk1 because the pads are average - it seems the mk2 isnt much better in that regard, so along comes digitakt no pads just everything else - conceptually it is 100% a drum machine/ sampler … sweeet sign me up ill pay 600 - 1600 if the design is high quality and functions fully… what a shame that they had to nerf it a little with a single filter, sculpting the mid range on one shots is extremely important to sit things in the mix – especially as I will be dropping completely spontaneous samples into a running live set and I wont have every sample prepared to accomodate a mid range only approach when i decide i need it.

I love the digitakt – i love it a little less because of the filter … I even bought 2 to jam with my girlfriend. if they made this 100% instead of 95% I wouldnt put it past me owning 3 like a dj owns 3 cdjs to blend between - but I wont buy anymore because I bet the mk2 will come out to fullfill the missing pieces, wonderful marketing strategy. slightly sour taste in my mouth all because of a filter, no need to play this game elektron just make shit hot products and make them better and better I will buy them all.

Classic fm doesn’t need filters at all - it is additive synthesis not subtractive.
I find two filters very luxurious (and useful)


I don’t really understand how the lack of filter modes on the Digitakt has anything to do with the filter modes on the Digitone considering that one is a sampler, and the other is a synth. How can the assumption be made that the Digitakt lacks filter modes due to an intentional design to make you buy the Digitone?

How does buying a Digitone give you the ability to apply different filter types to samples? Also, don’t we already know that Elektron is working on more filter types that will eventually be implemented into the Digitakt?


the lack of filter modes on the digitakt is making me wonder about the filter modes on the digitone hence why i asked here because i couldnt find the answer in the quick quide pdf (now i know it was in the a different manual. its now clear that the digitone has more filter types thanks to this forum. the rest is just me blah blah blah about digitakt. I did not know that they intend to add more filter types to digitakt,


Yeah, it’s been intended for a while though. It would be nice to have more filter types on the DT, and an additional base width filter as well. But you can do a lot by using the LP and HP filters in conjunction with resampling.

Wasn’t there also an intention at some point to have something called an over bridge or something? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I expect great things for the DT and DN with due time. They’re the first Elektron devices since the MM that I’ve really connected with.



Blush Response:

i don’t use the filter. That’s the very first thing. If you’re supposed to be building harmonics from simple waveforms, then don’t use the filter for a start.