Digitone not recognised by FH-2

Hi guys,

I recently picked up the Digitone and FH-2, with the goal of getting my DN hooked up to my Modular. I’ve been trying to connect my Digitone to the FH-2 via the USB A port, as a device. I’d like to send Note, Gate, and a couple of CCs from the Digitone to my modular. Maybe flip it around at some point even.

However i’m having some trouble, because the FH-2 doesn’t seem to be recognising the Digitone - ie there’s no “A” symbol showing up when I connect the DN via the USB A port (on the FH-2). The port is fine, because my Keystep is recognised when that’s plugged in via USB. Similarly, the Digitone is recognised by my computer via USB. I’ve also tried several USB cables.

I’ve been scouring the manual and forums, but everyone says it should be as simple as plug in, configure, and go. My FH-2 isn’t even reading the connection to the Digitone :stuck_out_tongue:

Any idea what could be going on here? Or what I could try perhaps? Anyone else face similar issues? Thanks!

Do you have the USB port on the Digitone set to MIDI in Settings and System I believe (same place you would enable Overbridge mode)? I’m not at home but have both a Digitone and FH-2. I can test tomorrow but it should work as intended. The USB A port is definitely the host port.

I don’t know the answer but from experience if you contact Os from Expert Sleepers directly via email, or the ES sub forum at Modwiggler he’s usually very responsive at helping debug issues.

Aaahhh that’s it! Can’t believe (but am also so very relieved!) it was something so simple!

I had enabled all midi forwarding from the MIDI settings, but didn’t spot this in the system settings :sweat_smile:

Problem solved, thank you!

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