Digitone not responding to Poly-Aftertouch on MIDI IN

Hi All,

Setup: Analog Rytm Mk2 sending MIDI OUT on track 4 channel 4 (Confirmed via MIDIview that it actually sends out note, velocity and aftertouch data)
Digitone (1.40A) receiving on MIDI In on synth Track 4 Channel 4, note and velocity info comes in correctly, but when going to the Setup > Aftertouch menu via FUNC+TRIG, I don’t see the aftertouch LEVEL/DATA bar move, nor do the settings react to aftertouch.

Is this a DN bug?

Update: The DN responds just fine to Channel Aftertouch (or Channel Pressure) but not to Polyphonic Aftertouch

This is not a bug. Polyphonic after touch doesn’t seem to be supported.

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FYI: Confirmed by Elektron support that the Digitone doesn’t support Poly Aftertouch ie not a bug but intentional