Digitone Note Glitch

I have a show in 3 days and need to figure out this glitch! :slight_smile:

I have a melody written on track 1 using the arpeggiator. Whenever I’m playing and I switch back to that pattern all the notes in the melody are 1 note higher or lower than what I wrote them. It sounds horribly out of key . I transpose each trig 1 note down to correct the melody which works for a while but when I come back to it again or when I turn on the digitone the next day the notes are out of key again.

This only seems to happen on track 1.

The notes are parameter locked. it uses 2 LFO’s: feedback and the lfo1 speed. I can’t think of anything that would be changing the notes for each step.

I would like to know if this is a genuine glitch, if I have a broken digitone, or if there is a setting I am overlooking that is doing this? Please Help! Thank you! :slight_smile:

***** Update The digitone is now doing this glitch on other patterns. It seems to only be happening on track 1. It’s changing the notes on my pre written melodies.

someone told me to shorten my note length on the trig page to 12 or under when using arp.

don’t know if this helps you. not even sure if it helped me tbh but in placebic context I think it did.

I was also glitching and out of sync but I initially thought it was because I had DN slaved out to DT transport.

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Yes I’ve heard this. I heard to keep it under like 30? I feel like a minimum of 16 note length is important because most arps you want to play for atleast 4 bars (1 page length)

are there any sound locks on the track?

I felt this way also but I think that the note length of the trig is how long the individual notes can be with trig conditions attached and I’m not sure it will impact most arp sounds to set it shorter - you could try and if it sounds shit or the mechanics of the problem still exist just change it back

There are no sound locks

Just to confirm we are talking about the same thing regarding note length: I am write my arps and then under the TRIG page I am adjusting the LENGTH parameter to shorten or lengthen how long the arp plays for. I usually try and keep them 16 or less.

to make them 12 or less as suggested I would have to put 2 trigs down on a page if I wanted an arp to play for 4 bars. That seems unreasonable if that’s what people suggest to avoid glitches. Also all my other tracks I’ve written with 16 note length seem fine.

Just want to get to the bottom of this!

the arp page sets arp parameters and the trig page sets trig parameters, I used 12 trig length with arp triggered once for whole pages and I didn’t notice any issues with trigs I was setting for whole notes but try it and decide for yourself

Or are you talking about the length of the note/arp that is under the ARP MENU page ?

trig page. I’m only passing on what was recommended to me.

best you can do is try it, should be simple to change back manually or with reload pattern.

my arp was wonky AF and I was not pleased though so I was willing to try the workaround.

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which firmware are you on? just curious

I appreciate you and your feedback :slight_smile: If I want my arp to play for 4 bars and only program trig length to 12 it’s gonna fade out before the end of the page (16 steps). So I don’t understand, I’d have to place two trigs on a page to have the arp play on all 16 steps of the page. That seems tedious is that the work around?

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Latest firmware I believe, 1.4

well first try it and see if you need to double trig. then if so, ask yourself if it is worse to play the show with the wack arp or with the tedious workaround. I’ll check my pattern but it was 4 pages and I think I was only triggering once per page.

1.40b? if you want to try downgrading to 1.40a against a bug in 1.40b I think I still have it.


I’m only triggering once per page, but I just tried with 12 and 16 and heard no real difference so I can’t say that one or the other is conclusively the cause. but with 12 my pattern didn’t change. here’s 1.40a and 1.40b if you want one or the other

Digitone_and_Digitone_Keys_OS1.40A.zip (1.0 MB)

Digitone_and_Digitone_Keys_OS1.40B.zip (1.0 MB)

I’m using a weird glitchy arp though, so I really notice when it’s out of sync because it sounds significantly off. It may also effect the way the trig is treating notes but like I said, I don’t know I’m just going off what happened to me. I did just play it both ways and no change however.

I’m really curious now though so let me know the results.

well for what it’s worth when I set it back to 16 I just experienced the bug that made me look for an answer in the first place. can’t draw the line 100% could be coincidence, but it’s not taking a shit with the 12 trig length so I dunno man. definitely just acted like it did before with the audible glitch at the 16 length though


Haha I love you I just don’t understand what you’re saying :stuck_out_tongue: If the trig length is 12 it’s only going to play for 12 steps. I need the arp to play on all 16 steps :stuck_out_tongue: so for the work around I’d have to put atleast 2 trigs down per page. ( trig length 12 maximum )

Also I have no way of knowing if the root of the problem is the actual track that is glitching or a different track that is coming before it so I’d have to adjust every arp in the project at this point.

  • adjusting trig length has helped me solve other glitches but Idk how it could be changing each note in the melody that is parameter locked

apropos of nothing, if the trig ended before the page was over I would notice. on track 1 I have the arp triggered on trig 1 for all 4 pages and it’s playing all the way through as expected so I don’t know what to tell you. my arp mode is up, 1/16 speed, range of 1, note length is 1/32, len (F) is 16, OFS (E) is 0

I mean if you tried it and it ends after half a bar, then it doesn’t work.

Just found a sneaky arp trig set to 128 in a pattern I forgot about. I’m hopeful this might solve it . I will report back fellow elektronauts :space_invader: :earth_africa: :star2: :star:

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I believe this solved the problem. why is it always trig length that’s the issue lmao. For anyone experiencing an arp or note glitch just check every single trig in your project to make sure none are set to infinite and no arps are set longer than like 16. thank you everyone for the advice this has been another learning experience

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