Digitone Notes


does anyone know if the electron sequencers, e.g. digitone is it possible to continue playing only one note of a chord at the end?

I have added a picture that describes what I mean exactly:


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I don’t think there’s a way to have notes in chords be different lengths. But you can do the following.

Let’s say the chord will be on step 1. Put the top and bottom notes in your diagram in a chord on step 1. Put the middle note by itself on step 2, put microtiming all the way left so they start at essentially the same time. Then you can put the two lengths to be whatever you want.


… I have to try that, sounds interesting, thank you !! it’s a shame that there is no easier way to do this: /

It’s pretty easy once you get used to it :slight_smile:


Another option is to copy the same sound to different tracks (at the cost of giving up tracks)

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