Digitone only plays 1 note?


I’m new to Digitone, but I haven’t been able to find anything on the forum that describes my issue.

When I turned on my Digitone, the presets worked great (the opening Pattern called “Imagine”). However, once I loaded into the second pattern “Dreams” the Digitone started playing the same note for every trig key, and all the synths sounded like a basic sine wave. I’ve listened to a few videos of what these presets should sound like, and it’s completely different.

Am I doing something wrong or is this an issue?

Couple of notes:
-I’ve confirmed the latest FW is 1.32a
-I’ve read the manual. I’m not muting anything
-Going back to the Imagine pattern, I do not get the same sounds (floater 2 sounds like a sine wave instead of a lush pad).

Can you post a video of this? Sounds like something is off

This sounds like the preset project on your digitone is not what it should be or things get corrupted in the memory of the DN.

Did you try to factory reset the DN?

Yep, I did about 5 factory resets, but it would only ever get me back to the Bank A1 preset, any modifier immediately threw things out of wack.

I ended up exchanging the unit with Sweetwater, the new unit works as expected, so this was definitely some sort of software issue.

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I think it was a hardware issue as the active project got scrambled when loaded into memory… A good thing you exchanged it for another DN :+1: