I’m running my Digitone in Live 10.1 using Overbridge and I’m getting some very strange glitches. I’m running Live as the master clock as it is the ‘brain’ of my entire live setup. Fairly regularly the patterns that are playing on my Digitone will ramp up and down in pitch (a bit like speeding/slowing a record down). This is usually preceded/followed by glitchy digital dropouts and noises. Also, every once in a while the Digitone shows a serious error message and freezes me out entirely. I have to turn it off and on again.
I’m monitoring the 4 digitone tracks (T1-T4) through assigned, separate audio inputs over USB. With effects returns being sent to a dedicated extra track within Live. I’m using a Scarlett 18i20 as main interface (ins and outs)
Obviously, this renders Digitone unusable for live performance as it stands. Which is a shame because love the device!
Anyone else had these issues? Any tips?