Digitone, overbridge & upgrade

hello to all and best wishes 2023,

I turn to you because I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t have a solution.

I was still using my digitone via overbridge in ableton this morning, everything worked perfectly, i think the OS was 1.32.

I wanted to update to OS 1.40 and I also update overbridge to Since then nothing works, by dint of testing I ended up putting back an older OS (1.27) (I no longer have 1.32) and I removed the overbridge that I had installed but the problem is not solved.

Also now I can no longer put another os via transfer, when I want to drop the sysex file in transfer it does not work, yet the digitone is in usb mode with the OS upgrade mode activated, it should work, it worked the 1st time.

I noticed that when I’m in overbridge mode in ableton , the daw doesn’t “see” the digitone, for example if I send a midi signal from the digitone to a dedicated track, it doesn’t work.

On the other hand, if the digitone is in USB mode, the signal passes.

I really don’t know what to do anymore.

Thank you for your help


Have you replaced your dll plug-ins with the new ones?

thank you for answering me, no I did not change dll, which ones should I change and how please? thank you

Are on Mac or PC?

hello, PC , I recovered the functions :grinning: I found the old firware and overbridge that I had installed, I put everything back proper and I don’t touch it anymore … thank you for your help

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