Digitone overbridge with Ableton (mac big sur)

Hello the Elektronauts,

Hope you are well. I bought a few weeks ago the digitone and have a lot of fun with it.
However there are 2 small issues when using it with Ableton for overbridge on Mac:

  1. The elektron vst does not display anything, except a black rectangle (I can upload a picture afterward if need be). Yet, I am able to use overbridge to record on 4 different audio tracks. But I can’t fully control the digitone from my daw (except play and stop). Is it normal or not? I thought it could be due to Big Sur with overbridge in beta version but if I am not wrong it should be now fully up to date

  2. When recording a live performance with overbridge, there are some latency and clicks issues. These issues do not affect the final result and could be linked to the master channel (where I put a lot of audio effects). Nevertheless I was wondering if there were recommended settings in Ableton to record digitone overbridge (audio resolution, syncing…)?

Thanks a lot for your help!

I can’t speak to #2 but you should not have any issues viewing the plug-in. I’m running the Digitone plug-in in Bitwig and it displays correctly.

It might be a combination of your Mac and Mac OS?

Thanks for your reply. Everything is solved now. I don’t know how or why… but it works great