Digitone Overtones

Hello ! New here. I have a question about the Elektron Digitone. I am creating an acoustic piano patch. I was wondering if there was any way I could add more harmonic overtones to lower frequencies say from C0-C2 and lessen the overtones in the higher registers from C4 onwards. The purpose is to build more definition via harmonics on the lower registers of the keyset but remove Fm-like metallic overtones on the higher notes. I was thinking that maybe using multimap mode might work out but maybe a more experienced user could provide more insight and a more elegant solution.

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Have you tried the Operator keyboard tracking function?

In track settings. Same thing as filter keyboard tracking, but for the operators.

Also I’m thinking velocity mod would be invaluable.



Yeah what microtibe said turn up key tracking to scale the modulation index across the key range.

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I’ll look into it. Is the key tracking feature uni-polar ? it would not make sense to keep adding overtones the higher up the scale I go.

No, but as I understand it, the ratio of overtones gets lower the higher you get in the scale. Sound’ll get thinner so to say. This is modelled after acoustic instruments. You can look up how it works in the manual I guess.



Key scaling sets the level of how much the modulation output from operator A is affected by what note you play on the keyboard.
If you set key scaling to 0, the modulation level is the same for all keys.
A higher setting decreases the modulation level more and more the higher you play the keyboard.
A lower level of modulation decreases the complexity of the tone in the higher frequencies, which is a typical behavior in many acoustic instruments.


Same as KEY SCALING A, but for operator B1


Same as KEY SCALING A, but for operator B2

I also have a question about modeling the hammer strike portion of the note, which one would do you think would be better suited for an acoustic piano sound. Why?

11.6 SYN2 PAGE 2 (pp.47-48)

11.6.2 ATRG -
Envelope trig sets the trig behavior of the operator envelopes. The envelopes can be either triggered or gated - making it either an ADE (Attack Decay End) or an ASDE (Attack Sustain Decay End) envelope. The sustain phase does not have an adjustable envelope level. It is instead the LEV parameter that sets the sustain level. The note length defines the length of the sustain phase.

11.6.3 ARST -
Envelope reset sets if the envelopes should reset or not when they are retrigged.

11.6.4 PHRT -
Phase reset sets if the operators phase are reset to start at 0 or not when they are trigged.OFF do not reset any operatorsALL resets all operatorsC resets operator

I personally am not a big fan of the Digitone’ low pass filter so I would much rather add the harmonics instead of taking them out (It is an FM synth after all) .

Nice. So you’ve found the key scaling part and now have an idea how to set that.

Personally I would use the velocity modulation section for the hammer strike articulation.
There’s 4 destinations for velocity!

The LPF 2 set to taste with no res and 100% key tracking might be useful to dull errant harmonics on lower notes.

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