Digitone p-lock slide?

The Machinedrum had a great feature where you could slide from one p-locked parameter to the next.

Does the Digitone offer anything similar to this?
If not, how would you go about achieving something similar? I’m guessing there are some clues in the trigless trig department, but I haven’t spent enough time digging into them yet… (shame on me).

I guess what I’m looking for is further options for parameter sweeping (not stepping).
I find myself ALWAYS running out of LFOs… :slightly_smiling_face:

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No slide trigs on the digitone unfortunately. You have two free envelopes in the FM section that can morph the sound, and you could always pull in the midi LFOs via loopback.


Midi LFOs! Didn’t think of that. Thanks Anfim.

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I’ve added slide trigs to the digitone feature request thread, might be a good idea to jump on there also.

I like using slide trigs on my Octatrack. Fingers crossed for slide trigs on the Digitone.


I have a feeling this one comes down to UI constraints, but it never hurts to ask.

I use an lfo to do smooth changes. P-Lock the lfo as triggered on the step you want to start transitioning, then use the ramp wave with half the wave playing so it goes from one value to another and stays there until the lfo is triggered again. You could also just use a stopped square wave lfo and use the fade parameter to fade to the value set with depth on the lfo.


I think a clean solution could be cycling between parameter lock,slide lock and clear lock when you push the knob. I was really disappointed when i discovered that the digi machines didnt have slide lock, i really hope they implement it.

Octa and A4 both have P slides.
Must be some type of problem with the coding in the digibox? Or is that their way of telling you to buy an Octatrack. Who knows.

All boxes don’t get all features. Reflected in the prices.

I’d say each box is their own and they want you to buy them all.

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Exactly. Kinda what I meant :wink:

Elek-Tron, gotta buy em all!