Digitone parameter locks

This maybe a silly question…

On my DN let’s say I have a kick drum & hi hats (sound locked) on track 1. The filter cutoff on the kick is locked, the filter cutoff on the hats is ‘unlocked’. If I do a filter sweet, the filter still affects the kick drum while its sweeping but as soon as I stop the sweep the kick goes back to how it should sound.

Is this normal or is there a setting to change?

It means if I ‘control all’ for a parameter it affects all the trigs (including the plocks) while I’m changing the parameter and once I stop the plocked trigs go back to their locked state

Hope that makes sense…


Parameter tweaks override locks.


Ok thank you

makes perfect sense, not a silly question.
thats how locks work. they lock things into the place where you lock em.

Yeah I kinda wish that when you tweak a parameter it only affects the trigs without locks on that parameter

Not an option. Learn to live w it