Digitone Pattern/Global bpm question/issue

I’m super green with my Digitone. I’ve had it for 2 weeks, so again I’m super new with this as it’s my first Elektron instrument. I’m working on making some slow generative ambient pads. I currently have 2 tracks being used. Track 1 is set to 31 BPM & 13 notes long. Track 2 is also 31 BPM & 17 notes long. Global BPM is also set to 31.

So how come Track 2 is running through its pattern WAY faster than 31 BPM? I can’t figure this out and it’s driving me batty. I feel like I’ve done all the right things & checked all the things that could be affecting this but no luck. Any thoughts?

Probably a different scale value. See p. 38 in the manual.

“SCALE controls the speed of pattern playback in multiples of the current tempo. It offers seven possible settings, 1/8X, 1/4X, 1/2X, 3/4X, 1X, 3/2X and 2X.”


Thank you so much! That was it. I had Track 1 to 1/8 scale, but Track 2 to 1. There are SO many parameters & settings & stuff to learn about. Appreciate the help.

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Great that it worked! The beginning could be a little bit overwhelming. The manual is always a good resource to learn but to me the mega tutorial from Cuckoo was also a big help. Maybe you can have a look into it, if you haven’t seen it already.

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Yeah, that’s what got me going. I’m so thankful for youtube right now. Between this forum & youtube I feel like I have a solid jumping off point to get weird. Thank you!

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