I’ve seen some insane tracks coming from the Digitone. Just received mine in the mail, while I’ve read the manual I’m having a bit of trouble fitting everything I’d like on the four tracks… But I know it’s possible because I’ve heard it from players that emphasize everything is coming from the Digitone.
What is the trickery I am missing? Is it voice stealing or something else I’m overlooking?
Say on a single pattern, I want a lead track, a drum beat track consisting of hi-hat, bass pedal, and perhaps another sound effect, a bass track, and a pad or FX track.
What are you best tips on fitting all the goodness onto a single pattern? I’d like to learn as much as I can about the Digitone and how to get creative with it before I add in my second external synthesizer.
Edit : After viewing a single video I recall after posting this, it mentions the sound pool which I suppose I was overlooking. I believe that is my solution.