I looked through the manual for that multipliers each operator have for FM ratios and all I found was that–
C - Mostly integers because it’s always a carrier
A - Lots of stuff because it’s a modulator
B - B1 and B2 move together like the hands on a clock up to 16 (what?)
Can anyone with a Digitone help me out with a list? It all sounds really interesting, but vague.
B: 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
When B2 goes over maximum or under minimum, B1 will increment/decrement. B2 is generally modulating B1, so this setup becomes sort of like a timbral index.
Thanks for adding this to the thread to the new digitone category, and thanks for the ratios
Over in the Audulus (a node-based sound design thingy like Pd or Max MSP) forum, we have been deconstructing the Yamaha OPL3 chip and given our conversation on twitter I thought I would try out some of the DN algos. Really interesting points of departure on the DN, the more I learn the more I realize how awesome the DN design is.
Given the interview of John Chowning over on the news section I was kind of expecting √2 to be on the list of multipliers for A, since it’s so nice for bell tones.