Digitone receiving and transmitting clock at the same time?

Hello everyone!

So, i have a question (i´m quite noob)

My setup consists of 6 synths which are midi synced via a Kenton Midi Thru 5. So far no problems. Everything works just fine.

I have my Digitakt to rule them all and the 8 midi channels on the Digitakt is occupied by the other synths (4 midichannels occupied by Digitone). So far no problems.

The problem is that i got at great deal on a effect pedal bundle (Timeline, Mobius and Big Sky, bought them used). Now i want to send clock information to the pedals. They can be set to receive clock by midi and my question is if i can use 3 of the 4 midi channels on my DIGITONE to send clock information to the pedals? Can Digitone (as slave to Digitakt) act master (at the same time) to the pedals?

If not, does anyone have a better solution to solve this?

(As a background as punk/hard core guitarist my only knowledge of knobs and settings was to make sure that every knob that was within 2 meters radius were set to max).

Hope you’re having a great weekend everyone!

//N00b from Sweden

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The Digitone can pass the Digitakt clock signal through its Sync B Thru MIDI output. The Digitone doesn’t need to be set to “master.” You don’t need to use a sequencer channel/track to do this.

At least I am fairly certain anyway.

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Ok, thanks for the answer, the reason for the thought about the midi channel was that i thought that the pedal were need to receive on a specific midi channel, if that’s not the case it’s even better. I will try it out!

As a former punker, that description of knob duties is absolutely spot on.

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If all you want is tempo sync it should work. I wouldn’t call myself an expert either :wink:

Yes, that’s all :slight_smile:

You can use the MIDI OUT of the Digitone to control your pedals. Each of the pedal will be on its own Channel.

DN OUT > Pedal A IN
Pedal A OUT > Pedal B IN
Pedal B OUT > Pedal C IN

In the Globals Menu of each Pedal, you will have, at least, to set their MIDI Channel and set the MIDI Through to THRU.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate.

Hi and thanks!

Yes, it was just that easy in the end but i used the midi thru sync b output instead. Clock sync works just fine!

Thanks everyone for the understanding and support!