Digitone sequencer and Midi

Hi all,

I am considering a Digitone which I could use as my main HW sequencer for my midi rig.
I understand it has 4 midi tracks with polyphony of 8 notes per track.
Can these notes be entered directly via an attached keyboard?
I have a Machinedrum which allows Midi tracks with cup to 3 notes but you can only enter the notes via the screen and not via keyboard… hence my question.

Also, can it power a midi keyboard via usb?


Not sure what ISM is? But yeah, it’s a cracking little midi sequencer. Use mine as my main midi sequencer. You can enter notes or chords from the trig keys or from a midi keyboard. Super easy to edit midi notes and although I don’t really use cc’s much there is that element too.

Via USB? No.

Yes should should have read usb. (corrected now)
Ok so it can’t power a usb keyboard… shame…

You can’t power a USB keyboard. You can enter it with a keyboard or use it’s note or chord functions which I find super useful. There’s also a step input feature now, as well as a step preview.

Even without a keyboard, it works really well as a sequencer because each channel has its own program changes and a number of CC and expression controls yhat can be plocked.

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He he! I’m usually behind the curve so I thought it was something new! :joy:

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Ok, thanks all. The other contender in my list would be the Akai MPC One which can power a usb keyboard (I’m thinking when at my girlfriend’s I could bring a Digitone/MPC and a small usb keyboard). The Akai doesn’t have the FM engine though…

I would not get the Digitone for the sole purpose of being a sequencer.

It’s good at sequencing, but it is very clearly a synth with a sequencer added, vs a great dedicated, DAW-like sequencer.