Digitone - sound editing while pattern chaining

Hi there everyone, so… this is the situation:
I have a live set coming in a couple of months and i’ll use pattern chaining to structure songs.
Problem: when i edit a sound or track it only applies to the active pattern, leading to a jarring return to the previous settings when the pattern changes to the next one. I can’t possibly fit all parts of a song on a single pattern, so is there a way to set the changes to be kept on all the chain?

As an example, let’s say i have a bass line going, and i gradually open the filter while on pattern 1, when the pattern changes to pattern 2 it goes back to closed instantly (as it was saved this way).

This kills a lot of movement and keeps me locked to saved sounds just to avoid these jarring changes.

What can be done? Am i missing something?


Digitone saves everything on a per pattern basis. When you change patterns, the next pattern is reloaded from the last saved state.

Thats just the way it is.

If you have an external sequencer, and send no pattern changes to DN, you can sequence the DN from there, leaving your sounds free to tweak as much as you like across what ever patterns you like. I have done this for the same reasons as you describe, using my octatrack.

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Well damn, thanks. I can’t go buy anything else now so i guess i’ll make do with transition patterns and by planning everything like a madman.
This might get very stressful while playing though, seems like you should be capable of doing something like this. I mean the digitone is not a cheap machine.

Thats just the way some things work.
Electribes are the same. You just have to learn how to use them. Learning automation is key.

Totally doable. Heres one, everything saved per pattern https://youtu.be/DKe3SRbSK4U

Save your tweaks for the last 2 bars before a pattern change, or programme a transition pattern. Make use of mutes, solo, control all, transpose, FX etc. Essential timing of tweaks, purpose, etc. All these things can be learned to keep yourself enganged and interacting with your machine. It doesnt need to be seen as a handicap, its just the way it works.


Yeah i get that it can be done, but this seems more like a workaround for me, and i’m not used to super complex machines usually a couple of sequences are more than enough. This time having this possibility would’ve made things a hundred times easier :sweat_smile:

Anyway thanks for the reply, i’ll figure it out eventually