Digitone sound not playing

Hey Elektronauts!

I’ve had my DN for 24 hours now and love it. But I’m having an issue across multiple patterns:

No matter what I do, track two won’t play the pattern. When I try the keyboard outside of record mode I hear the sound fine, it just won’t play the pattern. I have it enabled and hear all others ok, just this one. Trig condition is 100% and it’s a red play trig, not a yellow trigless lock. Any troubleshooting anyone can think of?

Clarification of setup: DN/OT/303. DN is master clock with MIDI out>OT>MIDI thru>303. Both outputs of DN>OT on a Thru track with a trig placed on step 1. As mentioned this plays tracks 1,3&4 just fine, but not 2. Help me Elektronauts, you’re my only hope!

Tried all mute modes? There are two. Check them out! (pattern mute and global mute)


I think that did it! All restored to normal. Thanks!

As ever the manual seems vague to me, going to have to reread it to understand.

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