Digitone sound packs

Hi Elektronauts!

So I received my Digitone yesterday, and like a good Elektronaut I decided to check it was at the latest firmware and while there decided to check out some soundpacks.

I decided to buy the “Haunted hearts” pack from the demo and transferred it over. I believe it goes to bank A, but I’m not sure it has?

This is the preset pattern in the Bank A pattern 1. Is this correct or the factory preset?


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Hello! Nice choice of pack, the Haunted Hearts has some awesome sounds on it.

When you are transferring the sounds onto the Digitone, did you have the “sysex receive” menu open? This allows you to choose which sound bank the sounds will be loaded into. For example, if you select “Sounds” then “Bank D” the sounds will be loaded into Bank D. You will then be able to see the sounds in the sound browser, and can filter to Bank D by pressing Bank + Trig 12 in the sound browser view.

Page 69 and 70 of the Digitone manual cover how the “sysex receive” menu works :slight_smile:


I didn’t! I’ll try that. Thank you very much!