Digitone sounds like the A4

The discussion is interesting but the topic’s name is weird

I rekn it does nice psy bass lines. Check out Elektrons korall demo, kicks in about 30 seconds in… pretty chunky imo

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sometimes it makes me wonder… what if we could somehow harvest all the energy people are waisting in social media arguing about stupid shit


And build a new world order!

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Bitcoin mining


Is your friend much into music and gear, or play any instruments, or just a friend that doesn’t particularly have a discerning ear?

I’m sure there’s people out there that will think all synthesizers sound the same at first, it doesn’t sound like a drum, a guitar, or a horn, or whatever, it sounds like a synthesizer… Others can tune in and detect even slight differences in timbre between slight parameter changes on one synth…
They are very different machines which to many of us don’t sound the same at all…


It’s not that strange really…

We must remember we all come from different backgrounds with different knowledge…
We’re not born knowing the difference between an Analog A4 and a Digital Digitone, they both make sound and their sound must be compared to learn the differences, and perhaps those differences will lead to a pursuit of learning how the sounds are made in each. A place where many on the forum are at but at some point they weren’t and had to get there…

I don’t see anything wrong with this conversation, it’s a completely valid question for somebody to ask… :slight_smile:


best troll thread that elekronauts has ever seen…popcorn !

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It’s not a troll thread. It’s a legitimate question. I had an A4. Yeah, I didn’t get enough time on it, but I am intelligent enough with a basic understanding of synthesis to turn enough knobs and test enough presets to determine it was not the sound I was looking or really. As mentioned in my OP. I have a friend that has both. He thinks they sound the same. I was checking to see if anybody else thought the same thing.

It’s still alright to ask questions on here right?

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Sure it is. I don’t have the digitone or the A4. But I will say that there’s a distinct difference between the types of sound you can achieve with the boxes, just due to their architecture. At their most basic default setting they probably produce similar sounds seeing as they both use oscillators, but the sounds you can get from modulating an oscillator with another as you can with FM synthesis creates very different results than an analog subtractive synth. To get an idea of what you might expect you can try out Ableton Operator or FM8 and compare them to your A4 or a similar VST. I would think that could be a bit revealing.

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I have an original A4 - I never really jelled with the sound. It can definitely be inspiring but overall I found it not what I was looking for. I’ve always enjoyed “sine waves” - for their purity alone or as part of an additive or FM synthesizer - so the DN is much nicer for me. It reminds me of my MM in many ways which I really love. I personally enjoy the softness and ambient potential of the DN but it has such a nice range. IMO these two instruments couldn’t sound more different. They can certainly overlap a bit in the sonic department but if you enjoy one form of synthesis over the other then definitely gravitate towards it. For me FM is an endless world of exploration whereas traditional analog is something I know so well that it’s gotten a bit stale for me - except for the Minimoog - which has a whole other thing going on :slight_smile:

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There are dozens of us!

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Of course you’re welcome to ask questions here… but you are getting your answer in one form and another