Digitone Tips and Tricks

in a pattern if you mute tracks with ex : PTN + T1 (purple mode)
a PATTERN RELOAD press will unmute track muted with PTN + TRACK ; )

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find a new (for me) performance trick works with short note length

in a sequence use short note length (LEN on trig page ) put the arp on,set to taste.
now,when you press a note on the keyboard it will stop the seq and play the arp
so you can do drum or synth fills,build up,breaks down with a note press.
even better press a note on Track 1 keep press,go another Track press another note now the 2 track play the arp not the seq ,works with all four track …

…and change pattern keeping pressed ; )


Not really a trick, but kind of a discovery:
I’ve bought a Oto boum for compression/saturation but i have to say I like the DN Master Overdrive more… Don’t know if there’s some kind of limiting happening, but setting Master Overdrive to around 20 gives such a nice saturation and somewhat compressed sound. I think it’s amazing and really worth checking out!


This one is great ! Easy fills !


And it opens new horizons when you apply LFOs to this trick…


Two complementary sound-design tips, relevant to Digitone but also any other synth.

From @MilesKvndra: start a new sound with FX off entirely, and only add them back when you’re happy. This avoids getting distracted by fancy reverb on an unshaped sound.

From @cuckoomusic: when configuring modulation (e.g. velocity, MW/AT, but also LFO, envelope), work first with the depth very high, to hear the movement or timing clearly, and then reduce it down to taste.


This one may have been covered before but I use it a lot:

Save project before proceeding.
Double tap [TRACK] button to enter sound browser with a sequence running.
Browse for sounds and “live” audition them in the sequence without leaving the browser by pressing [FUNC] + [YES]
If needed, revert to initial sound for that track by pressing [TRACK] + [NO].


And to change octaves while browsing, press the Add Notes button and up or down.


THIS, all day. There’s a reason none of the sounds I released have effects added…one because effects can mask bad sounds a little too easily and two because they’re intended to be dropped into a track that’s already probably got effects settings going, thus if they depend on an effect that doesn’t match up to the current pattern, then it’s useless.


or function + up or down

Nope… this will jump in the list

For transposing octaves

not while browsing

You are right…

I haven’t implemented this yet, but you just made my day… I was using other tracks when working with drum rhythms and this now lets me put everything on one track… GORGEOUS trick!

What are you making reference to?

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So when you load a new sound it doesn’t come as a preset, with its own FX and paremeters?

Which parameters/stay change then?

I’m saying the sounds don’t utilize reverb, chorus or delay in order to achieve their sound. Some patches/presets rely on these effects and if you load them into your already in progress song, things won’t sound right. I made sure to not do this so as to not create an issue with how the sound is made and how your patterns are being made.

I hope this clears things up.


Sorry it’s still not clear for me whereas which parameters are changing when you load a new sound.
Say you have a sound with reverb full wet and you load a preset with no reverb on it, you’ll have a full wet reverb after loading? So the change will sound anyway, no?

Sorry, I didn’t realize this forum didn’t track the conversation thread. It was to the OP.

as to your question here:

Sorry it’s still not clear for me whereas which parameters are changing when you load a new sound.
Say you have a sound with reverb full wet and you load a preset with no reverb on it, you’ll have a full wet reverb after loading? So the change will sound anyway, no?

So the way it works is that pattern settings trump sound manager settings. When you hear a sound in the manager, it’ll be with whatever effect settings it was saved with.

When you pull it into a pattern, the pattern settings will hold. So if you like a sound where it has a 15s reverb or something, and you load it into a pattern where the reverb setting is off, you won’t get the reverb.

Does that help?