Digitone usb as midi out device

hi, i have stuck because trying to play some midi from ableton to synth connected via midi out to digitone. It looks like Ableton -> Digitone USB driver -> usb cable -> digitone -> midi out -> synth. I cannot force digitone to send any midi out in this config. I hope its clear. I tried to assign port to midi track at digitone but it not help :frowning:

As far as I know - thereā€™s no midi interface capability.


Can you designate ā€œMidi Inputā€ as usb only and ā€œMidi Outputā€ as midi only in the Digitoneā€™s midi settings? Perhaps this is what needs to happen? Not sitting in front of Digitone but I think this may work.

Thanx Guys, i found how to do it. Simple just set midi track channel on midi track of digitone. It work as i needed. So digitakt work as midi out device well. The missing thing was to set this channel on midi track ( track settings )



Hi Iā€™m trying to send midi clock from the DN via the USB port. Can you explain this a bit more please? -> ā€œSimple just set midi track channel on midi track of digitoneā€.

Kind Regards, Andrea.

This issue is different from the discussion in the topic in which you originally posted.

What you need to do on the DN is:

  • In the GLOBAL > MIDI CONFIG > SYNC menu, activate ā€œCLOCK SENDā€.
  • In the GLOBAL > MIDI CONFIG > PORT CONFIG menu, set OUTPUT TO to either ā€œUSBā€ or ā€œMIDI+USBā€.

You do not need to set any MIDI channel numbers.


I was trying every possible resource in order to fix my issue. Everything was set correctly except the USB config set to Overbridge instead of USB MIDI. Thanks for kind answerā€¦


Would this work the other way around? Iā€™m trying to play on an M AUDIO, connected to the Digitone, which is connected to Reaper on a Mac.

M AUDIO -> Digitone via MIDI DIN
Digitone -> Mac (reaper) via USB

But I canā€™t seem to play any VSTs in reaper using M AUDIO keyboard.

any ideas?

if you want to use DN midi in to control software instruments on pc, you gotta set DN as your main audio device first, and set output to USB (midi config > port config, on the Digitone)

dont forget to make sure that software instrument you want to control is listening on the right midi channel, the one your midi keyboard sends out.

Thanks for your help. What do you mean ā€˜set DN as your main audio deviceā€™? Is there anything specific that I need to do here?

i dont know where its in reaper but in ableton it looks like this:
options > preferences > audio > audio device > digitone

what this does is basically says to your daw that digitone is your soundcard, which includes its midi ports, making your daw able to listen to midi data thats coming through DN usb.

doing this will also route all your audio through DN, so ud need to plug into its audio out/headphone jacks, but thankfully they sound really good + you can use reverb/delay/chorus/distortion now as effects for software instruments :+1:

Great stuff thanks. So Reaper will come back out of the Digitone?

yeah! reaper audio will come out from headphone/audio out of DN.
be careful with volume! make sure master volume is low before you try it out.

I suddenly love my DN even more. :heartbeat:

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