Digitone via Overbridge - Not Receiving Sustain Pedal MIDI?

Last night I recorded a Digitone performance via the synth’s audio outputs into my interface’s inputs. I also recorded the MIDI keyboard which was controlling the Digitone as a separate MIDI track (with no plugin on it, just so I have the MIDI).

I am now trying to replay the MIDI via Overbridge because the way I recorded it introduced a bunch of unnecessary noise. I duplicated the MIDI track to another MIDI track and added Overbridge as a plugin.

I switched the MIDI region’s channel to 4 (the sound is on track 4) and the notes are playing, but Overbridge is ignoring the sustain pedal events, so notes are dying immediately. I copied the automation lane because it said Channel #1 Sustain Pedal, and pasted it into a new lane but with Channel 4. That still didn’t work.

Can sustain pedal MIDI be sent to an Overbridge device?

Edit: I just confirmed that the CC number being used is 64, which according to the Digitone guide is correct.