Digitone Vs Nord Rack 2(X)

That’s a good point.

I’ve never watched any demo vids of this synth until I saw this thread and something about that sound made me feel surprisingly emotional. It almost feels like it reminds me of something but I don’t know what exactly.

Damn this forum, now I kinda want one too.


Mid-90s Autechre?


I feel like this might be part of the problem.

Do I like the sound, or am I nostalgic for the sounds Autechre made with them?


Definitely that, but also this weird nostalgic feeling I’m unable to trace back.
Something like listening to BoC and feeling nostalgic of a nonexistent memories type of thing.

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I fail to see the problem here. :slight_smile:

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NIN - The fragile. That’s the feeling I get when hearing the old Nord leads


Good call!

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I thought you were broke?

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I am, but I’m selling an old bike and I’ll have a little bit left over from a few other bits to scrape about £500 together.

How about saving that money? :sweat_smile: What synths do you own?

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Not enough


If I was your Mom I’d not allow you to buy a synth for at least 3 months 🥸

The Digitone works particularly well sequencing the 4 layers on the Nord…

But personally I had both and sold the Digitone. Digitone is much more logically sensible and handy for performing live but the Nord’s just got the joojoo/juju.


I had both for a while, still have the Digitone, and have had a Nord Modular G1 rack for almost a decade. The Nord 2 has a very special sound and is incredibly capable, but it’s limited without a memory card and tracking down a working one with the right specs was an absolute nightmare. Having the card lets you create and save percussion kits, which are used to excellent effect here, but are a total chore to program. Sold it when I realised there wasn’t really anything it could do that I couldn’t cover with what I already owned.

If I was in your position I probably wouldn’t buy anything, if you’ve already bounced off the Digitone it’ll probably happen again. Move on with your life.


It does sound good. How would you be sequencing/playing it?

That could be almost any polysynth.

You are not going to sound like Autechre by buying a Nord Lead.

Not even if you run it through a Quadraverb.


Well this is the problem. I don’t really have a polyphonic sequencer, so I think I’ll get the Digitone, then scratch the Nord itch in a year or two, should I still care.

I wouldn’t even know where to start.

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Mostly sold my old digitone during a particularly severe bout of modulartwat. A mistake I won’t be making twice.


Yeah, just watched @blushresponse’s Opsix v Digitone video. How could I not buy a Digitone again after that?

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I actually find it pretty easy to get 90s Autechre sounds out of it. If all else fails, you can corrupt a memory card and get some wacky random patches.


I prefer the Nord Lead 4. The impulse morphs are very addictive. Like Rytm scenes on a synth, if you can believe it.

Has a few flavors of FM also.

If it’s the percussion kits on NL2 you’re after…

But yea, Digitone can get super gnarly and the sequencer is fantastic. But the Nord is not shit.
As always, get both!